Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Profound: Shitstorm

I was just forced to watch the worst movie I've ever laid eyes on.... "Motherhood" with Uma Thurman. Just another movie in a long line of women bitching about how hard it is to have children and how hard it is to be a stay at home mom even though thats all they want. Uma Thurman is the biggest bitch on the planet who attempts to cheat on and leave her husband because she has no interest in ever again looking good or trying at all anymore. She bitches about how hard it is raising a kid in the city she refuses to leave... the entire movie she is just bitching... what a dumb movie and a dumb bitch. It really resonates that double standard about giving your wife the children she always wanted and then her hating you for it and being upset that you have the job supporting her. She acts terribly in it. It has no plot and looking up the fact that it made $131 in its opening weekend makes me sooooooo excited. Please do not watch this movie! Or ever think Uma is cool (despite how much Quentin wants to bang her and the good roles she has acquired through that.)

I apologize that my first post is so negative but my girlfriend thought it was a good movie and ive never envied the blind and the deaf more....

There are so many good movies out there right now. Not this one.

Vincent out!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This is one of my favorite portraits. I would love to get it printed one of these days. Hopefully soon. I remember browsing through images on google one summer a few years back and finding this particular piece. My computer has crashed a few times since that summer, and each time I am forced to reinstall my operating system I must start looking for my favorite files of art, and music, which I continually fail to back up.

I have recently saved all of my music, approximately thirteen gigabytes, to my boyfriend's external hard drive
. I have never know the identity of either the young Asian model featured in this portrait, or the photographer. I cannot remember where exactly I obtained this image from. Every time I search for this portrait on google I fail to locate it. I eventually realize that I have it hosted in an online photo-journal called photobucket, which is how I am able to continuously resolve this unyielding google search dilemma. This makes it much more difficult for me to be capable of owning a print. I am hoping that if I take a j-peg file on my flash drive to a printing shop they will be able to make a print. I have yet to investigate this option. If I cannot get a print made this way, I may consider posting an ad in craigslist. Really, I would just like to buy one from the photographer, or surviving relatives.

In any event there are many pieces I plan to collect over the next few years. I adore James Jean's painting, the Maze, as well as several other paintings and portraits by that artist. I do appreciate Ray Caesar's work as well. Some more than others. I especially like Caesar's Metatron, 2008, and day break, also 2008. Both pieces can be seen by following the following link:

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Apparently I tell fake news...

Members of the Denver Broncos Thunderstorm skydiving team demonstrate a pyrotechnic show skydive above Vance Brand Municipal Airport in Longmont around 6 pm Tuesday. The Longmont Police Department received about a dozen calls from people reporting strange lights near the airport Tuesday night, but the lights turned out to be pyrotechnics attached to the skydivers, who were demonstrating the technique for a Denver television station. The team jumped into Invesco Field before the Broncos game Monday night.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

UFO in Denver

Bill saw this in front of Ryan's house on 13th and Emerson. 11/09/2009 6:23pm

Video to come...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Concert Shots via Cell Phone

...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead @ The Bluebird

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Concert Shots via Cell Phone

Animal Collective = Awesomeness

This was our ride to the show. We were told that it was the same bus used in the move "Stripes". After a close examination I do believe it is the same type of bus, but there are some major differences. In short, I believe we were had. In any case it was an awesome time.

Westword did a follow up blog on the show. Read it here!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


After developing and maintaining an unhealthy alcohol habit for about 7 years, I haven't had a drink in almost 3 weeks now. On the enlightening night that brought this on the last thing I remember is covering one of my eyes so the blur on stage turned into a comedian. What I don't remember: Knocking over drinks, getting kicked out for yelling incoherently, throwing up in the car, and ultimately pissing the bed. To remind my self how I need to take a break and return to the drink when I can do it without needing a pint of whiskey and a twelve pack for a quiet night in, heres some absolutely terrible poetry I scribbled down black out drunk and found today:


I expunged a fart
Unholy and terrible
I hadn't shit myself
But each of three wipes showed brown.

A glance in the mirror
Back to the party
My ideas about ugliness and pointlessness
reinforced with my comparitive potential.
I made many laugh
But none seek my company.
If these are parties, I
Suppose I prefer them to funerals.

Now reading: Journey to the End of the Night by Celine (phenomenal)
Now listening: Mastodon-Crack the Skye (groovy)
Looking forward to: Tournament of Death VIII June 6 (GONNA BE A MASSACRE!!!)